Create a feature-rich marketplace using PrestaShop Marketplace Gold plan

An easy way to turn your PrestaShop eCommerce store into a fully-fledged online multi-vendor marketplace is the Prestashop Multi-vendor Marketplace addon by Knowband. The PrestaShop Marketplace Gold plan gives store managers the ability to expand their store’s scope and give consumers a wide range of goods and services. Your eCommerce site can be transformed into a full-fledged marketplace through the PrestaShop Marketplace module.

KnowBand launched the Gold Plan of the multi-seller marketplace for owners of Prestashop stores. The Prestashop Marketplace Gold plan enables a fully operating marketplace like Amazon to be created by the store owner. In addition to the Multi-vendor Marketplace Module, Marketplace Gold Plan includes the following modules:

  1. PrestaShop Marketplace CSV Import/Export Addon
  2. PrestaShop Marketplace Deal Manager Addon
  3. PrestaShop Marketplace Sellers Invoice Addon
  4. PrestaShop Marketplace Customers-Sellers Ticket System Addon
  5. PrestaShop Marketplace Sellers-Admin Ticket System Addon
  6. PrestaShop Marketplace Low Stock Alert Addon 
  7. Product Review Reminder And Incentives – Prestashop Addon
  8. PrestaShop Mobile App for Marketplace

Best Features of PrestaShop Marketplace Addon

The PrestaShop Multi-vendor Marketplace plugin is easy to install and configure. It has all the features that are essential for a marketplace to be accessed with ease by admin, seller, and the customer. The functional admin panel for seller approval and to manage all the orders and other functionalities, along with a proficient seller dashboard that allows sellers to handle and process the orders are a major attraction.

In this article, we have addressed the advantages of the Multi-vendor Marketplace Gold Plan over a marketplace module. Some of the best features are discussed in this section. For further queries, you can refer to the Top F&Q article on the marketplace module.

Create a Marketplace

It lets you convert your existing website into a marketplace where multiple sellers can register and sell their products.

Commission Handling

The store manager can set percentage wise commission or fixed commission on various products and categories. The commission can be different for individual sellers.

Membership Plan

The Marketplace Addon allows the store owner to create multiple membership plans based on period, no. of days or the number of products he/she can list.

Product, category, and order management

Admin and seller both can manage the product listing in different categories and admin can assign unique categories to different sellers. The orders can be managed by both admin and seller.

Payout Management

For seller payouts, the admin can set a fixed day of the week or month when payment will be transferred automatically to the seller account. The seller can also request the payouts via email.

Seller Dashboard

The seller dashboard is proficient and is incorporated with several functionalities. They can upload their goods, add shipping methods, update their seller profile, handle the PrestaShop Marketplace orders and process them. Sellers can see the receipt and details of transactions with the administrator, etc. Based on the regular, weekly, monthly, and yearly basis of the PrestaShop Marketplace Module, the seller can also see the sales comparison.

Custom Shipping

Sellers can add several shipping methods for the customers from the seller dashboard.

Email templates

The Marketplace module has several email templates for various events of the order management process. These can be sent to the seller by the admin and also to the customers.

Review and Rating System

The customers can drop their feedback about the seller and the products. They can add ratings and put a review in the review section. This can be monitored by an admin and he can approve or disapprove them.

Easy return and refund

The customer can return the order if he is not satisfied with the product. Refunds will be generated and provided in the mode preferred by the customer.

Flawless transactions

In the PrestaShop Marketplace, buyers can quickly check for any seller and position their orders. The transaction phase is secured and consumers are easily bought the products.

These were some of the key features. To know more visit and run the demo by yourself.

Benefits of PrestaShop Marketplace Gold Plan

This equation below can tell you what you are losing if you are not opting for a Marketplace Gold Plan.

PrestaShop Gold Plan= PrestaShop Marketplace Module + 7 extra modules + Mobile App

The PrestaShop Marketplace Gold Plan includes amazing modules that make the seller and customer management hassle-free.

1. PrestaShop Marketplace CSV Import/ Export Addon

The CSV import/export module enables PrestaShop Marketplace sellers to use the CSV import feature to list their goods in bulk. Through CSV, sellers may also list various combinations of goods.

2. PrestaShop Marketplace Deal Manager Addon

The addon Multi-seller marketplace deal manager will provide sellers with an interface and function from which each seller can offer various offers and deals on his PrestaShop Marketplace goods.

3. PrestaShop Marketplace Sellers Invoice Addon

PrestaShop’s multi-seller marketplace seller invoice is used to enable the vendor of a specific store to produce their invoice. On the created invoice, vendors can add their shop name and shop logo and can change the invoice prefix, which is appended to the invoice amount.

4. PrestaShop Marketplace Customers-Sellers Ticket System Addon

Before purchasing, in various situations, the customer has questions about the product or the seller and wants an answer for his query by talking to the seller.

So, the customer-seller ticket system module of the multi-seller Marketplace will provide consumers with a feature to contact the sellers to address their concerns.

5. PrestaShop Marketplace Sellers-Admin Ticket System Addon

The seller-admin ticket system module of this PrestaShop Marketplace enables vendors to communicate with the admin and vice versa.

6. PrestaShop Marketplace Low Stock Alert Addon 

The multi-vendor marketplace add-on for PrestaShop is for vendors to let them know that their quantity of goods is decreasing. The seller will set a minimum quantity of the items in this addon and if any of his products are below this range, the seller will receive a notification email about the low inventory of the product.

7. Product Review Reminder And Incentives – Prestashop Addon 

The admin will send email notifications to their customers to gain useful reviews on their latest transactions with the aid of the PrestaShop Review Reminder and Reward addon.

If you have the Marketplace module already, then you can individually install any or all of the modules.


The sagging conversion rates and sales of your eCommerce store can be brought to great heights by this PrestaShop Marketplace addon Gold Plan. With the aid of this feature-packed module, get the best out of your PrestaShop website by making the online purchase of addons from the Knowband store. Feel free to contact our support team for any further assistance by sending an email to



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