How The Push Notification Feature of Prestashop Mobile App Builder by Knowband

This is an era of mobile commerce and businesses need to leverage every available tool to engage with their customers. Push notifications have emerged as a valuable feature in PrestaShop mobile app builder. Moreover, it helps businesses communicate with their app users in real time. Further, we will inform how the push notification feature in PrestaShop mobile app builders can enhance user engagement improve customer experience, and drive conversions.

Push Notification Feature of Prestashop Mobile App Builder by Knowband

Real-Time Communication:

Push notifications enable businesses to communicate with their app users in real-time. Unlike other forms of communication, push notifications are delivered instantly. Additionally, this ensures timely updates and alerts. This feature is particularly beneficial for time-sensitive promotions, flash sales, and important announcements.

By sending real-time notifications, businesses can grab users’ attention and create a sense of urgency. Also, this direct and immediate communication can increase user engagement, driving them back to the app and encouraging them to take action.

Re-Engagement and Retention:

Push notifications play a vital role in re-engaging users and retaining existing customers. The Prestashop mobile app enables businesses to send targeted notifications to users. These notifications are sent to users who haven’t been using the app in a while. These notifications can include personalized offers or reminders to encourage users to revisit the app.

Additionally, businesses can leverage push notifications. It is usable for keeping users informed about new product launches, restocks, or back-in-stock items. By providing timely updates, businesses can retain user interest. Further, it ensures they remain engaged with the app, leading to increased retention rates.

Abandoned Cart Recovery:

For e-commerce businesses abandoned carts are a common issue. Further, push notifications can help tackle this issue effectively. Mobile app allows businesses to send push notifications to users who have abandoned their carts. This reminds them about their incomplete purchases and offers incentives to complete orders.

By sending personalized and timely notifications, businesses can successfully recover abandoned carts. As a result, it increases conversion rates and boosts revenue. Push notifications serve as powerful reminders and prompts for users to revisit the app, review their cart, and proceed with the purchase.

Customer Engagement and Feedback:

Push notifications also provide a valuable channel for engaging with customers and gathering feedback. Businesses can send surveys, polls, or feedback requests through push notifications, inviting users to share their opinions, reviews, and suggestions.

By actively seeking customer feedback, businesses can demonstrate their commitment to improving the user experience and meeting customer expectations. This engagement fosters a sense of ownership and involvement among users, making them more likely to provide feedback and engage further with the app.

Upselling and Cross-selling:

Push notifications can help to upsell and cross-sell additional products or services to app users. For example, if a user purchases a smartphone, a push notification can be sent to recommend compatible accessories or related products.

Promotions and Seasonal Offers:

Promotions and Seasonal Offers: Knowband

Promotions and seasonal offers are an integral part of e-commerce marketing strategies. Push notifications are an excellent tool for promoting these offers and driving user engagement. Mobile app builder for Prestashop allow businesses to send push notifications about upcoming sales, holiday promotions, or special events.

By notifying users about exclusive discounts, limited-time offers, or early access to sales, businesses can generate excitement and anticipation among app users. Push notifications ensure that users are aware of the promotions and encourage them to visit the app, explore the offers, and make purchases before the deals expire.


The push notification feature in PrestaShop mobile app builder offers businesses a powerful tool to enhance user engagement, drive conversions, and improve customer retention. With real-time communication, personalized marketing, re-engagement strategies, and the ability to recover abandoned carts, push notifications play a pivotal role in keeping app users informed, engaged, and motivated to take action.

By leveraging this feature effectively, businesses can establish a direct line of communication with their app users, deliver personalized content, and drive user engagement. It is important to strike a balance between relevant and timely notifications to avoid overwhelming users and ensure a positive user experience.Implementing push notifications in your PrestaShop mobile app can significantly impact your marketing efforts. Using Knowband Prestashop Mobile apps increase user engagement, and ultimately leads to improved conversions and business growth. If you are interested in our apps then kindly connect with us at

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